Ministry to the Port of Houston – www.houstonseafarers.com
Seafarer Boxes are delivered to seamen visiting the Port of Houston through the Houston Seafarer’s Center. Deliver a little Christmas love this year. This makes a great family or group project too.
Suggestions of what to include in Seafarer’s Boxes:
band-aids, Kleenex, sewing kit postcards, paper, envelopes, pens, dental floss, nail clippers, comb, lotion, bottle opener, shoe laces, deodorant, 2021 calendar, address book, key chain, razors, soap/shampoo, shaving cream, disposable camera, USB flash drive, Texas souvenirs, hard candy, popcorn, Flashlight, photo album, hot chocolate, toothbrush, toothpaste, lip balm, q-tips
band-aids, Kleenex, sewing kit postcards, paper, envelopes, pens, dental floss, nail clippers, comb, lotion, bottle opener, shoe laces, deodorant, 2021 calendar, address book, key chain, razors, soap/shampoo, shaving cream, disposable camera, USB flash drive, Texas souvenirs, hard candy, popcorn, Flashlight, photo album, hot chocolate, toothbrush, toothpaste, lip balm, q-tips
puzzles, games, playing cards, dice, yoyo, Suduko, word searches, bandanas, undershirts, socks
gloves, baseball hats or knitted caps.
Empty shoeboxes and limited supplies are available in the church office. Questions? Contact Jim Card, 281-825-7064 or jcjhcard@aol.com.

Each year thousands of generous Texans donate Christmas boxes for seafarers from more than sixty countries who will come through the Port of Houston between Thanksgiving and the New Year.
These shoeboxes are almost always their only Christmas present, and they delight to receive them (often safely tucked away until Christmas Day feasts aboard ship). We have witnessed over and over again the true joy and excitement in the seafarer’s faces when we board their ships with these gifts you so graciously provide. It doesn’t matter what country they are from or how they say “Merry Christmas,” the love of Christ is with them through your kindness, love and support.
It is our mission to be the hands and feet of Christ and to extend to each and every seafarer we meet the loving hospitality of Jesus. “
CLICK HERE TO READ MORE from the Houston Seafarer’s Center
CLICK HERE TO READ MORE from the Houston Seafarer’s Center
Please avoid including items that will melt or break, and pack batteries separately from the items they are powering.
These gifts of love should be packed shoebox size, WRAPPED SECURELY as one unit in Christmas paper.
PLEASE DO NOT WRAP LID AND BOX SEPARATELY. Please do not place bows on the boxes. Plastic shoeboxes become an extra gift for the seafarer!
You may want to include your email address, name and address, or the name and address of your church or group, inside each box. You may receive a thank you note from a grateful seafarer!

A Christmas card or a note included with the gifts makes it extra special.
“On behalf of all the crew aboard the Nord Snow Queen, we would like to express our deepest gratitude for all the presents that were delivered to our ship at Christmas during our stay in Houston. You showed us with your presents, that thinking utterly unselfishly and bringing joy into other people’s lives is possible.”