Lectio 365 is a free daily devotional/meditation resource that helps you pray the Bible every day.
Read or listen daily. For more information and links to download, click here.

Brenda Stockham, RN & Parish Nurse
As a volunteer staff I help care for the congregation and community in mind, body and spirit. I am a RN with over 30 years of experience including NICU, Home Health and Home Care. In June 2021 I completed my Faith Community Nurse certification.
I am available to the congregation for
- Providing health screenings
- Hospital and home visitation
- Assisting with transitions from hospital/rehab to home
- Creating health support groups
- Counseling on health-related issues
- Teaching classes
- Helping adapt to lifestyle changes
- Helping obtain access to health services
- Providing referrals to resources in the community
- Exploring end of life choices/advance directives
- Coordinating and training volunteers
You can email Brenda or call the church office at 281-367-70169

This is a difficult time in the world. It’s important to feel supported and connected. I am available to help. I am called by God to use my gifts to bring a Christ-centered approach of hope and healing to church members and their families. I am available for counseling through scheduled phone visits, or in person meetings and groups at no cost.
As a school counselor I have worked with individuals and facilitated groups of all ages. I have a background in teaching, a Master’s Degree in counseling and am a Licensed Social worker and a Licensed Chemical Dependency counselor.
You can email Beth or call the church office at 281-367-7016.
Peace be with you.
Beth Hall, MA, LBSW, LCDC