This is who we are in mission—
We seek and welcome all to connect, celebrate, and serve in God’s love.
This is the vision we have for the future—
That all have life through the love of Christ.
These are the values that guide our mission—
Welcoming All – At Lord of Life, “all” means “all.” Regardless of age, race,
origin, or sexual orientation: You are welcome here. All people are created in the image of God and have received talents, interests, and strengths that glorify God.
We seek and welcome all to connect, celebrate, and serve in God’s love.
This is the vision we have for the future—
That all have life through the love of Christ.
These are the values that guide our mission—
Welcoming All – At Lord of Life, “all” means “all.” Regardless of age, race,
origin, or sexual orientation: You are welcome here. All people are created in the image of God and have received talents, interests, and strengths that glorify God.
Finding Connection – In Christ, we are one Body. We strive to foster meaningful
relationships both with God and with a diverse body of believers.
Experiencing Grace – In the tradition of Martin Luther we recognize that we can
only be saved by the gift of God that we do not deserve but that is lovingly given
to us. Our community understands that receiving God’s grace frees us to live out of love for God’s world.
Serving God’s World – We are called by the Holy Spirit to use the gifts, talents,
and resources in our own lives and in our community of faith to serve the world in which we live. We seek to do this work locally and globally by building
partnerships and cultivating relationships with those we serve.
Celebrating Life – A life in Christ is a life of abundance, joy, and forgiveness. We
celebrate this life as Christ celebrated when he walked among us. The spirit of
celebration is evident in our worship, in our fellowship, in our witness, and in our
celebrate this life as Christ celebrated when he walked among us. The spirit of
celebration is evident in our worship, in our fellowship, in our witness, and in our