Lord of Life Lutheran Church’s policy for creating a welcoming and safe environment for everyone.
All church members, employees, volunteers, and visitors have the right to pursue their activities free from all forms of discrimination, mistreatment, and/or harassment, which include sexual harassment, exploitation, abuse, and sexual misconduct. It is in the spirit of creating an open and secure atmosphere for all God’s people that LORD OF LIFE establishes a policy and procedures to effectively carry out this mandate as well as a committee to provide oversight and assistance.
Safe Sanctuary training is required every 2 years for anyone 16 years and older who works with children or at risk groups at Lord of Life. This includes all Church Council members, VBS and Day Camp volunteers, Sunday School teachers, Nursery staff and Welcome Desk volunteers. It is recommended that all Lord of Life volunteers receive the training. After the training is complete, a background check will take place for those 18 and older.