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Church Office: 281-367-7016   Email: lol@lordoflifeonline.org
The pastors and pastoral care team of Lord of Life are concerned with the lives of people. Unfortunately, the pastors are often times the last to know about major events in people’s lives because people forget to tell them. Whenever you need pastoral care…don’t hesitate to call, stop by or leave a note. Here are some times when you may need pastoral care:
• When there is a birth in the family.
• When there is a death in the family.
• When someone close to you is ill or in the hospital, or in need of spiritual help.
• When someone in the family is going off to college or joining the armed forces.
• When there are marital problems and before you call the lawyer.
• When someone in the congregation has done something to anger you.
• When you have a suggestion for the congregation.
• When you have a question about the Bible, Christianity or Lutheranism.
• When something in your life is troubling you.
• When alcohol or drug dependency is a problem for you or someone close.
• When you move to a different area.
• When you just plain want someone to talk with.
• When you want to be specifically remembered in prayer.