Service activities offer an opportunity for us to explore one of our most basic convictions as Lutherans: that all of life in Jesus Christ – every act of service, in every daily calling, in every corner of life – flows freely from a living, daring confidence in God’s grace.
You work every day to make your community a better place. Let us continue doing this work together in 2023!
You work every day to make your community a better place. Let us continue doing this work together in 2023!
Our Director of Outreach is Jenny McKenna. To serve, ask questions or talk about how to use your gifts to serve God, call or email Jenny. 281-367-7016, ext. 10
Project Liftoff – Help send kids to camp!
Lord of Life is the only chartering organization in The Woodlands offering a complete Scouts BSA (formerly Boy Scouts of America) program for the entire family from kindergarten through age 21.
Pack 883: Cub Scout for boys and girls ages 5-11.
Troop 89: serves boys 11-18
Troop 890: serves girls 11-18
Crew 89 (no website yet) available to boys and girls ages 14-21
To learn more about these groups, please contact our Director of Outreach, Jenny, or visit the Scouts website.
Family Promise, helping families in Montgomery County experiencing homelessness. You can read more about this ministry here.
Give a second life to your clean, gently-used clothing, housewares, toys, furniture and appliances by donating them to local charitable organizations. Items should be in good, usable condition.
“Second Offering”: First Sunday of each month at all services. The proceeds from this offering are earmarked for Montgomery County Food Bank Back Pack Buddy Program
Homeless Ministry – Lunches made and toiletries given to the Salvation Army. Meets the 4th Tuesday of every month at 1pm in the kitchen. Your sample-size toiletries help clients regain and maintain dignity, and are a necessity for those who, in finding their way to an independent and productive life, are employed or are seeking employment. Your gifts bring added relief from the struggles and social indignities that many who come to the Salvation Army must struggle with on a daily basis.
Angel Reach Transitional Living Program for young people who have aged out of foster care and Kinship Care to assist kinship placement families with their day-to-day living needs.
Angel Reach Lunch (2nd Wednesday of every month). Sign up to feed at-risk youth. Current needs on our Events page.
Buddy Backpacks – The Buddy Backpack Program provides food insecure children with nutritional food for the weekends and holidays. You can help in one of two ways: Either you can donate money during our “Second Offering” on the first Sunday of the month, or you can donate items for the backpacks. Grocery List
Delivers meals to the homebound in the area. Friendship Center provides the food. Click here for a testimonial from Debbie, an LOL volunteer at Meals-on-Wheels
Hospital Visitation Ministry:
Visit members who have been hospitalized. Contact Pastor David at 281-367-7016 pastordavid@lordoflifeonline.org
Food Pantry Sunday
1st Sunday of every month.
See our weekly Happenings or Lifeline for a list of items to bring and place on the altar. Our non-perishable food items go to the Montgomery County Food Bank and Interfaith of The Woodlands.
Adopt-a-Family / Adopt-a-Senior
Christmas Gifts given to needy families and Seniors in the community.
UPBRING Foster Care – We host various events throughout the year to benefit children in foster care with UPBRING (formerly Lutheran Social Services).
Souper Bowl of Caring – A one-day national effort to help end world hunger at the local level. This is held annually on the NFL’s Super Bowl Sunday. This year’s Tailgate party raised over $2000 for Montgomery County Food-Deficient families.
Lord of Life is proud to serve and sell Lutheran World Relief Farmer’s Market coffee. Pick some up today!
Hands of Faith” Fair Trade Mission – Sale of Fair Trade coffee, chocolate and handicrafts which helps poor farmers across the world. See more here.
Maintain relationship with Filadelfia Luterna Church in Lima Peru to increase global awareness, build support for global mission, and pray faithfully for global sisters and
RuthAnn’s Remnants
Make quilts to send around the world for Lutheran World Relief. 2nd and 3rd Thurdays at 10am to 11am in Room 25 upstairs at Lord of Life.
Support Lutheran World Relief by providing School, Health & Fabric Kits which provides care/comfort to impoverished people far away. List of items needed.
Global Barnyard
Purchase animals to give to families to provide nutrition and income. Gifts That Make A Difference
Seafarers Ministry – Christmas gifts for foreign seafarers in Houston ports For more information, CLICK HERE.
Cards for a Cause – Food and Fellowship with your favorite ladies! Free-will donations of $25 gift cards (HEB, Kroger or Wal-Mart) to use for food-insecure individuals in our community. Cash also accepted. Email your questions or call the church office at 281-367-7016.
Last year, Lord of Life partnered with Rise Against Hunger, and international hunger relief organization that distributes food and life-changing aid to the world’s most vulnerable. Together, and with JOY, we packed over 15,000 meals.

Safe Harbor, a community group that holds several meetings a week at Lord of Life, sent us a moving letter about their observations of our congregations in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey. You can read it here.